
Showing posts from December, 2009


I recently read this article below on the internet and thought to myself that it aptly describes the difference that the presence of God has made in my life in the year 2009. But for God, I can't begin to imagine where I would have been today. I just can't fathom how people without Christ survive on a daily basis in the Country. It's tough enough when you have the backing of the King of Kings, not to mention if your trust is in man or worse still if you're totally on your own. I'm so grateful for the touch of the Master's hand upon my life. The Article: Myra was a woman battered and scarred from severe arthritis. Her legs were held captive in a wheelchair, but her soul was forever free. With one pencil in each crippled hand, she used the erasers to type words on her typewriter. The joy of her efforts in typing the words outweighed the pain of creating them. One day, when a friend was leaving Myra's home, she patted her wheelchair and said, "And ...