A Father's Love...

Who is there like you oh Lord God of the heavens and the earth? Who else can do the things you do? Who can decree a thing and it comes to pass? Really who can compare with our God? Who else can remain faithful and true even when a partner is unfaithful? His promises are yea and amen from eternity to eternity. Not a single word from His mouth falls to the ground without being fulfilled. He’s blessings towards His beloved children are without repentance. He changes times, seasons and destinies and yet is called the unchanging God. He is ever so gentle, loving, forgiving, understanding, patient, committed and faithful. He is the Almighty, the maker of the heavens and the earth; the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End; the First and the Last; the ruler of all things. And in all this, the one thing that amazes me the most is the fact that He has given us the authority to call Him ABBA, FATHER!! I remember receiving the news 20 years ago today of the ghastly accident that cu...