
Showing posts from April, 2010

On Relationships......

What if you were told this morning that today was to be your last day on earth? How would you spend its fleeting hours? Whom would you insist on seeing? Where would you insist on going? Who would you insist on being with in your last moments? Would your behavior differ radically from what it usually is? Someone has wisely said, “ You should treat every day as if it’s your last one, because one of these days you’re going to be right .” There’s no getting around it. Whether our earthly life ends by accident, illness, the ravages of age, or our Lord’s return, one of these days will be our last. That’s why we should guard so carefully the things we do and the words we say. We ought to be tying up the loose ends of long-neglected matters by expressing our love and gratitude to others, by seeking reconciliation with an alienated friend, or by sharing the gospel with a neighbor. Perhaps you’ve even been putting off accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior until some mo