Hi, I read the article below in an e-newsletter I usually subscribe to and it humbled me. The writer aptly describes what so many Christians (myself including) are currently experiencing in this ever evolving, gadget-filled and computerized world we live in. I have received a rather rude awakening to the truth that though I am IN THIS WORLD, I am not OF THIS WORLD and I sincerely pray that as we all read this, we will “rewind the tape” and get back to living a vigilant and set-apart life on earth while we continue to await our father’s return. As Christian believers, we're called to live set-apart lives. To be holy as God is holy; to be in the world, but not of the world. God is the source of all holiness, and in order to live a set-apart life, we must spend time with Him so we can be fueled by His Holy Spirit. I don't know what your days look like, but mine are pretty full. They start early and end late. Once the sun rises, it seems that coffee isn't the only thing bre...