
Showing posts from March, 2011

Religious Musings

Between you and I, I am not seeking human approval, not even yours. I do not need it. But I am living and dieing for the approval of one man, Jesus Christ. Many of our problems are due largely to our insistence on living as though the invisible is non-existent when in reality, Existence is Invisible. All things are possible when you develop the habit of going into the presence of the invisible God and asking, "Lord what do you think about this" and then acting on whatever is revealed to you. There is no knowledge outside God. To know anything on any matter, no matter how lofty or how mundane, just ask the Creator. He exists, He can hear you and He wants to help you, seriously. God reveals secrets. You can know what is known only to God. Who am I? I do not know, I did not make myself. But my life is a process of finding out and unfolding who I am. You do not know me. I do not fully know me. I am a process, being transformed daily. I know who I have been up till today but I hav