I have a question that's been heavy on my mind lately: Who is a leader? What does it take to be a true leader? In Nigeria today, we have several seminars, trainings, lectures on this ambiguous word ''LEADERSHIP'' and yet I'm beginning to wonder if these trainings are having any impact on the so-called leaders of our corporate society? For the past couple of days I have been opportuned to talk with people who are experiencing serious torture, harassment, and threats in their various workplaces. They happen to be working with bosses who are either egocentric, power hungry, slave drivers and/or devil incarnates and this is greatly affecting their output at work, their morale, their mental and even their physical health. The common trend now is for young managers who have suddenly tasted power to begin to Lord this power over everyone around them. Question is why do you feel that you have to be bitchy and shrewd to prove a point or to get people to follow you?...