I have a question that's been heavy on my mind lately: Who is a leader? What does it take to be a true leader? In Nigeria today, we have several seminars, trainings, lectures on this ambiguous word ''LEADERSHIP'' and yet I'm beginning to wonder if these trainings are having any impact on the so-called leaders of our corporate society?

For the past couple of days I have been opportuned to talk with people who are experiencing serious torture, harassment, and threats in their various workplaces. They happen to be working with bosses who are either egocentric, power hungry, slave drivers and/or devil incarnates and this is greatly affecting their output at work, their morale, their mental and even their physical health. The common trend now is for young managers who have suddenly tasted power to begin to Lord this power over everyone around them. Question is why do you feel that you have to be bitchy and shrewd to prove a point or to get people to follow you?

Now I do realise that sometimes life isn't always fair, times will come when life throws us candy and times will come when it will throw us really sour lemons. I also realise that these lemons are to help us make sweet lemonades out of our lives. They toughen us and prepare us for tougher challenges. True. But while in the process of making the ''lemonade'' what does one do when in a situation like this? What advice do I give these friends of mine who are walking around like zombies, terrified to wake up and go to work every day for fear that they would be bombarded by showers of curses and demoralizing words that are sure to ruin their day? Let's face it, it’s easy to churn out loads of counsel but wait till you're the one in the situation...honestly it’s not as easy as 123!

The oppressed are unable to speak out because we live in a society where justice is hardly served. No one wants to lose their jobs so they are afraid to report these harassment cases to the right authorities. Sometimes the offender may be the CEO of the company or maybe a young female manager who has ''legs'' long and wide enough to kick you out the door as soon as you speak out so they'd rather remain silent and endure the torture, praying for another job to come. Isn't this just bondage??!!

Now really, who is a true leader? I read this definition somewhere and think it's quite apt: ''True leaders are mentors with a servant's heart. These are not just pretty words to fill out space. If you are NOT a true servant with a true passion for helping people you will not be a true leader in the real sense of the word. It is that simple. You may be doing well and have a list of people listening to your advices and instructions, but that alone does not make you a leader. People are not numbers you can just add on your email list, downline or your company. They are people with dreams and goals like yours. As a true leader, it should be your goal to lead people to where they want to be. Being a leader, is not something you have to be born with. You can develop the qualities of a leader by being a good follower.''

So to you my friends who are currently in what I call the lemonade making factory of your careers, permit me to recommend two great books that really helped me out when I was in your situation but more importantly, now is the best time to try GOD!! Only He can help you see the good buried deep within the bad situation you're finding yourself. Truly there's always a blessing in the storm.... And to those out there who take delight in other people's misery, I have just one prophesy for you that has been proven to work from time immemorial: ''Whatever you sow...you (and your generation unborn) are so going to reap a hundred fold!!'' This is not a curse oh, it's a statement of fact!!




  1. Thank u my sister. It is only God that will help us. It's true that a lot of people are in bondage in their various places of work. But i pray that God will give them wisdom to go through and also make a way of escape for them before it's too late.
    God bless u for this blog.

  2. Don't you think it is funny that the nastiest bosses are the young female managers? The men do not usually abuse you psychologically to the point of a mental breakdown! What can be done about this?! I could tell your pain for these people in your words. I would advise that they pray about it. There is nothing like God fighting your battles for you! Be sure of a resounding victory!

  3. about tyme!
    Let no one push you around!!


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