I've Got The Power!!!!

Dear Reader,

Last night I watched a bit of a movie called "Shooting Dogs" about the Rwanda Genocide that happened in 1994. For some reason, I've never followed that story to find out what really happened to cause so much hatred, anger and bitterness between brothers. Honestly, it brought tears to my eyes...watching men, women and little children die like dogs.

I decided to google the story so as to know the history of this war. It's so amazing how a tiny spark can cause such a disastrous wildfire, how one small misunderstanding can bring about so much pain and destruction. If you have never read about it before, you may wish to visit this BBC site to read how it all happened. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/1288230.stm

Since watching the movie, I've been asking God why he lead me to that particular movie (I usually am too tired to watch anything when I get home after work). Besides, I have seen that movie several times before but never bothered to stop and watch it. The more I think about it, the more I believe God wants me to have a deep enough burden so as to pray for our Country and really pray with a greater passion than before. What happened in Rwanda could very well happen in this Country tomorrow if we don't rise up as Christians and speak forth God's destiny into our Nation. What with the Niger Delta crisis, the religious wars rising from the North, there is so much we need to pray about. Thankfully, we have the creative power of God in our tongue so please let us use it to create peace, love, joy, sanity, and prosperity in our Country. May God answer our prayers in Jesus name.

As for me, I'm not only learning how to speak forth God's word into my Nation, I'm beginning to consciously open my mouth daily to speak positive things concerning my job/organization, my family, my children, my destiny as a whole because hey, if I don't speak, absolutely nothing but a void and utter emptiness will be created and that will not be good now will it?

Proverbs 18:21 says we have the power of life and death in our tongues so...who's with me? Who's ready to open up their mouths and speak blessings and not curses into their environment and their situations this morning? Do you want to see a change for the better? What's stopping you? OPEN UP YOUR MOUTH AND START SPEAKING!!!!!! And as we decree, so shall it be in Jesus name.

Have a fulfilled day ahead.


  1. you can't be more right about the need to speak into our future, the future of country and generally settle those things that affect us directly or indirectly with the power of our tongue, after all we are the first prophet of our lives and created as speaking beings after the image of God. It is just unfortunate that we allow circumstances and other people to dictate what happens to us and around us when we have the power to control them ourselves. Nothing just happens, people make them happen.

  2. I am inspired. I hereby rebuke, cancel and bind the release of negative prophecies from my tongue in Jesus name. Amen!

  3. Taking a cue from the nation Biblical Israel, forgiveness from God came when the leadership and followership truly repented of their evil ways. Though isolated divine favours and blessings of God were not uncommon, national progress mostly occurred when the leaders and followers were on the right track with God.
    For Nigeria, I have not 7 points prayer but 1......Lord, give us the right Leaders in Nigeria in Jesus name........Amen! !!
    Therefore, let us OPEN UP OUR MOUTH AND START SPEAKING!!!!!! And as we decree, so shall it be in Jesus name.

  4. Thanks so much for your comments people, it's trully encouraging.

    Do remember to share with your network of friends so they too can be blessed.

    I'll be in your face everyday!!


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