I have this colleague/friend in my office; sweet, young, vibrant and full of bright ideas. She’s a typical Igbo babe and so is very money conscious (well who isn’t?). We talk often about all sorts of things but most especially we talk about our visions and dreams, business ideas, self improvement ideas, things that we wish we could see happen in our society and so on. So much so that we usually go as far as discussing how to kick start the idea, how to market it, how to save the profits and re-invest the money etc.

We usually get so excited about our ideas because they are so big and so brilliant and so workable; these are ideas that are sure to be a hit the moment they hit the streets. Sometimes when we’re done talking, we praise ourselves and talk about how we’re “too much sha” and all that. Everything about our ideas are usually perfect and foul proof. The only trouble is (I’m sure you’ve already guessed)…. We never get up from our office seats and start the project!!!

Imagine a sprinter hopping up and down at the start point of his race waiting to be introduced, all excited and ready to roll; the start gun is shot and yet the sprinter remains on the same spot, hopping and hopping, waving at the crowd, smiling, feeling like a star for joining the race but never moving one inch? That’s the way we are oh! We get ourselves all worked up and excited about the “race” but we never actually begin it! We’ll just plan to start tomorrow but then tomorrow never really comes. And after a while, the reality of life (the targets of our ‘Oga’, or the demands of clients, the high expectation of our pay check…honestly oh!) takes our minds off our dreams and hinders us from soaring like the Eagles we were created to be.

I know I am not speaking about myself only on this matter. We all are guilty of the “Maybe Tomorrow” syndrome; procrastinating, keeping what you should do today for another time. But hey guys, time waits for no one!!! We really need to take charge of our destinies. Yesterday we talked about opening our mouths to speak; well after speaking what next? The next step to take is Act! Act! Act! Faith without works is soooo dead my friend!!! Listen, one sad part about not acting is that the idea will immediately be dropped in someone else’s head and before you know it, the plan you wrote in your diary last year and did nothing about is starring you in the face in another person’s reality.

I don’t know about you oh, but as for me, I refuse to continue watching other people live my dreams; I must live my dreams by myself! So friends, I need your prayers oh (I guess we all could use these prayers) because I don’t want to go to my grave full of all the great things God has deposited in me. No, I must let it all out NOW!!!



  1. Well said my sister. I think I belong to this category of people. But I’ve told myself I won't sleep anymore. I've made up my mind to arise and take a bold step of faith. I pray God will help us all.

  2. My Partner in Great Ideas!!! Na wa o! Truly,as I was reading this I started listing out all the ideas we have talked about and it was mind-blowing! We're sitting on money (figuratively speaking of course!) and we have not allowed God to use us to bless souls around us! May He forgive us. We need to have a meeting to decide our first ACTION!

    Thanks for snapping me out of my lethargy!

    Love always...

  3. Uwasco my darling, I couldn't agree more oh...but if its any consolation, we've actually carried out one action lately....using our writing skills and putting our thoughts on paper for others to be uplifted. At least this is one talent that we've removed from the grave!!! Yiiipeee!!!!!

  4. Getting to the blog abit late but hey its still a blessing.

    I guess it is not how late but at the right time.

    Thanks soooo much , i have been saying i will do xyzzzzzzz number of things but hey have i started.My pastor said last night discover your passion and start something about it.

    This i will do.....i hope to update you as i step out and stop procastinating.

    Thanks again for reiterating those words.

    Moi, kponky

  5. This blog is quite interesting,keep it up n thanks for d wake up call,we all need it


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