Blessed, happy and to be envied are you…..

2) ...when you are not married; for you are not concerned about the series of marital issues arising on a daily basis that lead individuals to intense depression & suicidal thoughts
3) ...when you are married; for you will not have to carry certain loads & responsibilities all by yourself
4) ...when you are married; for you do not have to spend the entire night staring at your pillow when your mates are being cuddled & pampered
5) ...when you do not have children; for you don’t have to look out for anyone but yourself
6) …when you have children; for when you get home, their warm embrace make the laborious day worthwhile
7) …when you do not have a nanny/maid; or you won’t be struck with sudden heart attack when she just ups and leaves in the middle of the week when your children have to go to school and you have urgent matters to attend to at work or business
8) …when you have a dependable nanny; for the phrase “work life balance” will no longer sound like rocket science to you as a working-class mother
9) …when you are a working-class mother; for you’ll be able to afford the sudden pay rises demanded by new nannies who can smell a desperate mother a mile away
10) …when you are a stay-at-home mom; for you can call the nanny’s bluff and take care of your kids yourself
11) …when you are a business owner; for like the stay-at-home mom, you can plan your day to suit your children (although you may have to sacrifice a deal or two to achieve this)
12) …when you are a salary earner; for you wouldn’t give two hoots what happens at the office when you have to sneak out for school runs (come month end, if you’re not paid, you can down tools)
13) …when you have stuck to the minimum number of children allowed for sanity (TWO) rather than literarily taking the gospel by its word to be “fruitful and multiply”; for you will live longer and have enough to share with the priviledged two
14) …when you have sacrificed your sanity & comfort and have gone ahead to replenished the earth with 5 or more children; for when you are old, you will have five (or more) different sources of retirement income apart from your own (all things being equal)
15) …when you are a poor man; for you can sleep well knowing you owe no man nothing but love and your security is not at risk
16) …when you are a rich man; for you can afford all the pleasures the world has to offer and a sec &urity company to guard your many acquisitions (safety is not 100% guaranteed though).
17) …when you are ill and you have been able to identify what is wrong and can afford to get treatment for it (and the recommended treatment works according to plan)
18) …when you are ill and after much examinations and tests, you are declared clean and are told all you need is rest!
19) …when you are surrounded by loving & trusted friends and family; for they will stand by you through thick and thin, never giving up on you, loving you unconditionally etc.
20) …when you have been betrayed and abandoned by these so-called loving & trusted friends and family, for then you can lean on and learn to appreciate the strong, everlasting arms or our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who has promised that he will NEVER fail you (He gave himself up for you even when you were a sworn enemy); He is ever ready to catch you when you fall.
Seriously, sometimes I wonder how on earth people who do not have Jesus Christ manage on a daily basis because I know for a certainty that without him….the last few months would have been living hell for me!!
So… that’s why I have put down this summary of beatitudes/blessings I have witnessed (directly or indirectly) from God lately….the list is obviously inexhaustible because we serve a very faithful God who DAILY loads us with great benefits.
What are the beatitudes you have witnessed lately?
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