Last week I was to travel to Port Harcourt for a business meeting. I had just returned from Abuja the day before. Usually I hate traveling (especially local flights) and more importantly, I hate traveling alone. On Wednesday morning, just before leaving for the airport, I started looking for something to read on the plane since I was to be traveling alone. In my rush, I stumbled upon two small notebooks I used to write in a couple of years ago (you see, I have all sorts of notebooks and jotters I write stuff in when the mood hits me so these were just two of them). I picked them in a hurry and off I went to the airport.

In the plane I picked up one of the notebooks to read and wow, was I shocked at what I read? Apparently, this notebook was titled “NUGGETS OF LIFE” and had some short biblical confessions/motivational words I used to write and speak to out loud to myself back then. I kept reading and reading and to my greatest surprise, I realised that majority of the words I had written had more or less come true in my life. I was reading things that were actually happening to me today, situations I had found myself in today… I was living exactly what I had written & confessed at least 5 years ago!!! This terrified me so much that I just shut the book and started thinking hard.

I have heard it being said that my life today is a result of the words I spoke yesterday. I have heard it being said that the tongue can bring death or life; and those who love to talk will reap the consequences of their words, whether positive or negative. I have also heard it being said that we have the creative power of God in our mouth but honestly, I always took it with levity, never understanding the power and truth that lies within these sayings. But the truth is, the power of God’s word (creative, active, doing word) produces results when you believe in and say it. That’s when it becomes RHEMA!

Now I know better, now I realise that 5 years ago, I created (with mere words put down on a little notebook) what I am today; I made myself prosperous & whole; I created my loving, patient, caring, & understanding husband; I created two wonderful little angels who live with me and call me Mama; I created my current job, my church, my friends; I created a life of divine health, peace, joy and supreme authority in Christ Jesus. It may have taken a long time, and I know I may have contradicted these words from time to time with my doubt and unbelief but I know that because I confessed the right words more often than I did the wrong; the truth gained victory over the facts. Below are just a few of the Nuggets of life I wrote down and spoke to myself 5 years ago that I am now living today: 

  • My life’s hope & dreams are built on the Word of God. HIs word is my sure and firm foundation, upon it I rest secured and immovable. When the winds and storms of life blow against me, my confidence shall not waiver

  • No more will I ever be subject to any yoke of bondage; for he who Christ has set free is free indeed. I function in that liberty of the Spirit of God all the days of my life in Jesus name.

  • I am a prince(ss) of power with God. I’ve been called of God to live my life in prosperity & experience superlative success all the days of my life. Therefore, my mind if filled only with thoughts of greatness, success, health, wealth and prosperity. HALLELUYAH!!!

So what are you waiting for? Start writing and confessing your way into 2010 and beyond for just like me, YOU (yes.. YOU) have the creative power of God right there in your mouth!!!


  1. I've always known and believed this but like u said, sometimes our doubts and unbelief gets in the way or delays things. Thank god though for the grace of God and His ever enduring mercies. Thanks for this reminder; I need to visit Laterna and stock up on my journals.


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