I’ve often wondered why Americans celebrate Thanksgiving every year. What is the big fuss about the day? Is it just about dinner with friends and family? Is it about the exchange of gifts, the crazy (and sometimes deadly) shopping on Black Friday? Who are they thanking anyway? What is the thanksgiving for?
Whatever the reason for this special day, I guess it never hurts to have a grateful heart. Only problem I have with the tradition is that too much emphasis is laid on one single day when really, thanksgiving should be an all year affair and should be celebrated daily! This also applies to Christmas and Easter by the way.
Well, I’m glad I don’t have to wait till Thanksgiving Day to be thankful and to celebrate my family, my friends, my loved ones...I don’t have to hold on one minute to appreciate people who have meant the world to me through the year... There’s never a time too soon to say sweet words like ‘’I love you, I appreciate you, you mean so much to me, I’m grateful for your love’’ etc.
I have since made up my mind to make it a point of duty to constantly show love and appreciation to God and to everyone around me not just on certain specially-set-aside-days in the year but all year round because the truth is, I’ll never know how long that person will be around for...we are all like dust, here today and gone tomorrow and it’s usually after you lose someone that you realise how important that person was to you.
I stumbled on this poem on Thanksgiving and it helped in making me understand why our American brothers give Thanks every 4th Thursday of November. I am therefore sharing it with every family member, friend and loved one in my life, just to let you know that I love and appreciate you every day of every year and I’m so grateful to God that you have contributed in making my life such a pleasant and memorable one... I’m so thankful to God for you!!!

I’m Thankful for You

Thanksgiving is the appointed time

for focusing on the good in our lives.
In each of our days,

we can find small blessings,

but too often we overlook them,

choosing instead to spend our time

paying attention to problems.

We give our energy

to those who cause us trouble

instead of those who bring peace.

Starting now,

let’s be on the lookout

for the bits of pleasure in each hour,

and appreciate the people who

bring love and light to everyone

who is blessed to know them.

You are one of those people.

On Thanksgiving,

I’m thankful for you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

By Joanna Fuchs


  1. I am thankful that I married my soul mate on November 14, and I got to spend some time with my family during our wedding. I am thankful for what God has done in our lives, and for greater things to come.

  2. I am thankful for you in my life. You have been a huge source of inspiration to me.


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